Podcast episode 07: Listen now
Do you feel stuck in a rut, like you’re ready for something new and exciting to come into your life? Perhaps you’re outgrowing the city you live in, your home or neighborhood doesn’t resonate with you anymore, or your social life and relationships aren’t as fulfilling as they used to be. Maybe you feel like your career isn’t aligned with your goals and values anymore… that’s often a big one for people.
If you’re ready for a shift in your life, but you don’t know where to start, today’s episode is just for you. In today’s episode, I’m breaking down five steps you can take to reinvent yourself this year and step into your highest Self.
Reinventing ourselves is something we do consciously and unconsciously. We reinvent ourselves constantly because it’s in our nature. We are ever-expanding, ever-evolving beings, even when we don’t put in any effort to changing.
Especially since the massive paradigm shift of 2020, many of us went through changes we didn’t ask for. Change just happened to us whether we welcomed it or not and that was difficult to deal with.
I like to think that we either make changes with intention or a higher power does it for us. If we’re too resistant or afraid to make a change, it will eventually be made for us, and these changes have a way of aligning us with the path we’re supposed to be on. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wait for a something big to happen to me for me to “wake up” and make a change. I think there’s divine power in making changes with purpose and intention.
If you don’t feel like you’re in a place where you’re truly shining, where you’re thriving and putting your best out into the world, I’m here to tell you that you can change that… and I hope my story sparks that belief within you, too.
After striving for and achieving things I would have never expected to achieve, I started to realize that all of these external things weren’t fulfilling to me. I really thought that more money and a more luxurious life would make me happy and fulfilled, but of course, that’s not true. So, I began to look within.
When we look within, we begin to look past the façade of our physical body and the roles we play in our life and we begin to connect to and be led by our higher power. When we look within and connect to our highest Self, we begin to experience unity consciousness, a deep knowing that we are all connected as one. So, that’s where we begin. Meditation is a powerful way we can tap into that unity consciousness and begin to make changes within ourselves. Meditation gives us the space and time to clear our minds, transcend our thoughts, and detoxify our body-mind from each day.
So, what steps do I need to take to reinvent myself?
The space between two thoughts is filled with infinite possibilities. Anything could happen between those two thoughts and when we meditate, we’re widening the gap between our thoughts, creating opportunities for reinvention.
Step 1: Meditate & Reflect on What You Want to Change
Reflect on what you want to change and why you want to change it. That’s the first step.
Are you feeling unfulfilled in your career?
Do you want to transform your personal relationships?
Do you want to change up your home environment?
Do you want to learn a new hobby?
Are you looking to make a change within yourself?
Step 2: Create Specific, Achievable Goals
By clarifying what you want to change and why you want to change it, you can focus on specific, achievable goals that will help you move towards that desired transformation. Focus on creating SMART goals (goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time bound). For example, instead of setting a goal to be happier in the New Year, try setting a goal like this: I want to meditate for 10 minutes every day for the next month in order to reduce stress and improve my overall happiness. By setting specific goals like this, you create a road map to get to your destination.
Step 3: Create a Plan
Creating a plan for how you’re going to achieve your goal is what makes your goal achievable. What specific steps do you need to take to tackle that goal? These steps need to be small enough to where they are manageable and not overwhelming, or else you won’t be motivated to do them. Keep in mind, you might need to seek out resources or extra help to stay on track, and that’s totally okay! Accountability and support are your best friends.
Step 4: Lean Into Discomfort
Reinventing yourself requires you to step outside of your comfort zone and lean into discomfort and newness. If your goals aren’t pushing you to explore new parts of yourself or learn something new, you might not see the changes you’re looking for.
Step 5: Take Action!
Action is the key to seeing your goals manifest. I know that action can be daunting, especially when you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, so it’s important that you seek support and accountability so you can courageously and confidently take action towards a reinvented you.
Be patient and don’t get discouraged if you experience obstacles or setbacks along the way. Speed bumps and potholes are often part of the road that takes you to your destination, but so are the beautiful trees that line that road. You CAN do it. You CAN reinvent yourself. You CAN be the change you want to see.

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